Product Support, Javascript Enthusiast, Tech Excellence
I love tech!

Hey, I am Amos. Nice to meet you!
I love working with cross-platform tools such as Vue.js, Google App Script, Zappier and Slack to build business intelligence integrations.
I am also interested in modern web development technologies such as Wordpress, JAMStack and Node.js.


Here are some projects I've worked on:

  • Farmika
    A web solution that makes farming easier.
  • Covidata
    Get the latest information on Covid-19 infections, vaccinations and curve.
  • Foota
    Get the latest scores on every live game.
  • Angani
    Know the weather

Get to know me:

I love music, hiking and Star Wars. In my spare time, I watch football and try to learn something new. Hulk is my favorite superhero(Hail Marvel!)

Contact me:

Feel free to reach out to me for projects.